I can also relate to the sterile coldness of my jobs. Which left me feeling angry and resentful of myself, the people around me, and the company.

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Thanks for listening. I still don’t know what to about alienation from work/coworkers

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I’m not always right. I know I have anger issues and I know it might be me. I usually hang out with friends and stuff. That helps me. And thank you for sharing!

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It took me a little while to learn, but these are just jobs and no need to make things personal. Be cool but keep a distance.

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Most of the time people cry over spilled milk.

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Sometimes I feel guilty for getting so mad at my co-workers. Maybe it’s not them it’s me? Idk. Or we all have a part in it and don’t mesh well.

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I know I’m not always easy to deal with. My empathy isn’t great. So, I can come off as callus at times.

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I can relate this as someone who works at a warehouse and worked retail. I wrote a short story about my job and Chuck Palahnuik did a Gloves Off on it. I didn’t bother to tell any co-workers because I knew they wouldn’t care. I’m isolated at my job, but that’s by choice. I HATE my co-workers.

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I feel like I can’t relate to anyone at work.

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